Go Smoke Free!
Do you own a restaurant? Maybe you found out about this site
through a table card left by one of your customers? If so, and if
you're already smoke free, then thanks! Obviously, your customers
appreciate your concern for their health and comfort (not to mention your
own and that of your employees), and will keep coming back.
If you're not smoke free yet but are considering it, we urge you to
consider it seriously and then go smoke free! You may be worried
that going smoke free will hurt your business with smokers, but in other
cities and states that have enacted smoking bans, no effect or even an
increase in business has been observed. It makes sense if you think
about it. It's much easier for a smoker to refrain from smoking for
the brief time it takes to consume a meal than it is for a non-smoker to
not breathe for the time it takes to consume a meal!
Also, there are many more non-smokers whose business you stand to gain
than non-smokers you may lose.
You may be tempted to try partial solutions, such as non-smoking
sections or filters. Unfortunately, those are non-solutions.
Unless your smoking section is in a sealed room separately ventilated to
the outside, smoke will inevitable enter the "non-smoking"
section. Even brief exposure to tobacco smoke results harm, and many
of the toxins in tobacco smoke are colorless and odorless, leading to a
false sense of security if smoke is not apparent. In any case, you
and your employees will need to enter the smoking section, resulting in
harm to yourselves. Filters also simply don't work, much as the
filter makers would like you to believe that they do. Have you seen
how much those things cost? Are you really going to make that back
in increased business from smokers? If you're going to try an
experiment, maybe you should first try going smoke free. It doesn't
cost anything, and it's certain to get you plenty of good will and maybe
even some extra business.
For more information about the issue of smoking in restaurants, and the
way the tobacco industry manipulates restaurant owners and hospitality
associations into advocacy of self-defeating policies that mostly benefit
the tobacco companies, we urge you to visit Tobacco
Scam. We also recommend the Wisconsin Initiative on Smoking and
Health list
of benefits of going smoke free.